Compliance services include data recording & reporting for the following:
- Income Tax Returns (Individuals & Business)
- Financial Statements (Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheet)
- Business Activity Statements
- Instalment Activity Statements
- Fringe Benefit Tax Returns
- Maintenance of Company Registers (minutes of meetings, compilation of annual returns, deregistration of companies, etc).
- PAYG Withholding variations
- Australian Business Number registration (ABN)
- Tax File Number registration (TFN)
- Goods and Services Tax registrations (GST)
- Centrelink: assistance with applications
- Government grants: assistance with applications
- PAYG Payment Summary reporting
- Work Cover reporting
- Superannuation reporting
Financial Statements
The cost of preparing financial statements depends on the quality of information provided. Advice is always given to ensure the source documentation compiled by you, is presented in the most cost effective manner. In addition, training can be provided to allow you to complete reconciled bookkeeping for yourself, including estimating bookkeeping time/costs and/or recommending bookkeepers to assist you.
Business Activity Statements (BASs)
Preparation and lodgement, checking, and/or advice is provided as required. Prices start from as little as $20/mth. Advice is always given to ensure the source documentation compiled by you, is prepared in the most cost effective manner. In addition, training can be provided to allow you to complete reconciled bookkeeping for yourself, including estimating bookkeeping time/costs and/or recommending bookkeepers to assist you.
Instalment Activity Statements (IASs)
Preparation and lodgement, checking, and/or advice is provided as required. Prices start from as little as $20/mth. Advice is always given to ensure that the source documentation compiled by you, is prepared in the most cost effective manner.
ABN/GST/TFN Registrations
Preparation and Lodgement and/or alternatively advice, to prepare and lodge using the ABR website can be provided.